What’s New in California, Summer 2013: San Diego Edition [Video]

On location in San Diego, with help from a colony of penguins and corps of giraffes, I hosted this rollicking G-rated travel film (which I also co-produced and wrote) for Visit California, showcasing what’s new around the state this summer. Heavens, I look so clean cut. My mother will be proud.

Favorite moment comes when the giraffe tries to eat our equipment. The thing about giraffes is, they’re the dumb blonds of the animal world: super tall, with beautiful long eyelashes, and not much upstairs. But watch out. Their legs can rotate a full 360º, and they can kill a lion with a single swift kick. The trainer had told me to swat them on the nose if they misbehaved – they did, and I did – but it seemed best to me that we all get along, so I kept laughing and feeding the animals as fast as I could.